Unveil Vibrancy With Scratch Art
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*These results are calculated from over 12,500 delivered orders
How long does it take?
How long does it take?
Our Scratch Art doesnt have a specific time to finish. You can choose to spend any amount of time on it.
Does it make a mess?
Does it make a mess?
The shavings from painting will pile up after a while. You can use our brush to sweep it into a corner for clean up later
Whats Included?
Whats Included?
Every Scratch Art Painting comes with your specific variant and a blank sheet for your imagination.
How long is shipping?
How long is shipping?
All HueScratch orders are processed in 1-2 business days.
Once shipped, please allow 6-10 business days for your HueScratch to arrive at your home.
What is the size of the painting?
What is the size of the painting?
Our City Scratch, Wildlife Scratch, Space Scratch are all 41 x 28cm or 16 x 11inch. These will fit the picture frame.